Adsorben Magnetit Terlapis Dimerkaptosilika untuk Adsorpsi Anion Logam [AuCl4]- dan [Cr2O7]-


  • Ngatijo Ngatijo Jambi University, Indonesia
  • Diah Riski Gusti Jambi University, Indonesia
  • Abdurrazaq Habib Fadhilah Jambi University, Indonesia
  • Resilta Khairunnisah Jambi University, Indonesia



Magnetite, Dimercaptosilika, [AuCl4]-, [Cr2O7]2-, 2, 3-dimercapto-1-propanol


Adsorbent magnetite-dimercapto-silica (Fe3O4 - DMS) is a synthesis of magnetite with 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanol which has been applied to adsorb anions [AuCl4] - and [Cr2O7]-2. The adsorption process of metal anion [AuCl4]- at pH 5 with a contact time of 100 minutes was found optimum results at an adsorption capacity of 77.58 mg/g and an adsorption efficiency value of 96.975%. While the optimum conditions of metal anion [Cr2O7]-2 after the adsorption process at pH 4 with a contact time of 90 minutes was found an adsorption capacity of 85.0426 mg/g and an adsorption efficiency value of 85.0426%. The adsorption efficiency of metal anions [AuCl4]- is higher than the adsorption efficiency of metal anions [Cr2O7] -2



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How to Cite

Ngatijo, N., Gusti, D. R., Fadhilah, A. H., & Khairunnisah, R. (2020). Adsorben Magnetit Terlapis Dimerkaptosilika untuk Adsorpsi Anion Logam [AuCl4]- dan [Cr2O7]-. Jurnal Riset Kimia, 11(2), 113–120.




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