Journal Management

Infrastructure and Business Model: Jurnal Riset Kimia operates on a transparent and sustainable business model, essential for maintaining editorial independence and journal integrity. Through our solid infrastructure and well-defined policies, the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Universitas Andalas, ensures the efficient operation of the journal.

Editorial Policies and Processes: Comprehensive policies and streamlined processes underpin the operation of our journal, ensuring efficient manuscript handling and decision-making.

Editorial Board Management: We invest in the ongoing development and training of our editorial board to uphold the highest standards of editorial review and governance.

Staff Training and Management: Our editorial and publishing staff receive regular training to stay abreast of the latest industry standards and technological advancements for effective journal management.

Author Fees: The journal maintains a clear and straightforward author fee structure:

  • Online manuscript submission: IDR 0,- (free of charge).
  • Manuscript under review: IDR 0,- (no charge).
  • Upon acceptance for publication: IDR 1,000,000,-.

The policy is based on the Core Practices from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)